Meet the People who make it all happen

  • Portrait of Robyne莱尔斯


    Co-Founder / Partner

    Co-developed FreedomCar concept with Mark 同时从一份真正的工作中获得一份真正的薪水,这样家里的每个人都能吃上饭. Been the company’s secret weapon ever since. In charge of company finances and technology, Robyne设计并维护了所有保持FreedomCar正常运行的东西, 但却没有得到任何人的认可,除非事情出了差错.

    巴尔的摩信誉: Park School Alum, JHU Alum

    商业信誉: MBA from University of Chicago

    Favorite Baltimore Landmark: Baltimore skyline, as seen from Northbound I-95

    portrait of 马克Thistel


    Co-Founder / Partner

    马克在巴尔的摩出生和长大,是这座城市的生命和呼吸. The only thing more important to him than Baltimore is Robyne, their daughter Maeve, 和FreedomCar, 他和罗宾(连同他们的婚姻)于1991年创办了这家公司. Mark, 罗宾和梅芙现在居住在“宇宙的秘密中心”(也被称为汉普登),他们在2008年左右恢复了200年的历史住宅. 来访问! Mark loves visitors, 但你得听他讲关于这个地方历史的故事,这可能需要一段时间. 他还喜欢在巴尔的摩附近的任意地点和时间遇到FreedomCar的客户——这总是一次很棒的经历,提醒他为什么喜欢自己的工作, this city and the people in it so much.

    Baltimore Academic Cred: Park School Alum, JHU Alum

    Favorite Baltimore Landmark: SS约翰·W. Brown (WWII Liberty ship)

  • Portrait of 艾米丽Brenneman


    Manager, Since 1999

    Emily’s been with FreedomCar since she was a youngin. Still younger than most of us, she’s Manager in Charge of Accounts, which means that if you owe us money, she’ll be calling you just about now. She’s a woman of many mysteries and likes to keep it that way, so is appearing on this web page only under protest. Duly noted, but you’re too valuable to hide, Emily.

    Favorite Baltimore Landmark: The Hippo Nightclub



    Associate Manager, Employee Since 2011

    Rebecca is a manager, a driver, a baker, and a bandage-maker. 她最自豪的是拿到了EMT证书,优胜客体育也为她感到骄傲. 优胜客体育也总是很高兴成为她美味的接收端, 以交通为主题的甜点来帮助优胜客体育庆祝在FreedomCar总部举办的特殊活动.

    Favorite Baltimore Landmark: 巴尔的摩动物园

    headshot of Suzette Smith

    Suzette Hemmings Smith

    Facilities Manager, Since 2012

    Since her hairstyle changes so often, 辨别Suzette最好的方法就是看她的牙买加口音. She was born there, so it’s not just for show. She knows how to tun up di ting, mon. 如实, 你不能让这个有两个(漂亮的)孩子的职业母亲失望, she’s utterly irrepressible and equally unflappable. 信不信由你,她觉得工作很平静,这对优胜客体育来说很好笑.  现在她掌管着优胜客体育整栋楼,一切都在她的掌控之下.

    Favorite Baltimore Landmark: 内港

    Portrait of 丰富的银


    Manager of Operations, Employee Since 1994

    里奇最为人所知的是,他会在优胜客体育的汽车停止服务时购买它们. That’s how much he loves them. 他也是优胜客体育的运营经理——如果你的车落后了,他就该负责, 幸运的是, 是一个罕见. Rich manages the chaos that is an average FreedomCar day, making sure everyone—customers, 员工, and our accountant—are happy. We do not envy him, but we certainly admire him. He’s the guy everyone loves to hate but can’t. To watch him work is to watch an 8.5-hour piece of performance art. 作为工作时间最长的员工,优胜客体育知道丰富的银就像金子一样珍贵. (是的, we did have to say that.)

    Favorite Baltimore Landmark: 乌鸦体育场

    Portrait of 丹Stentz


    Manager, Employee Since 2008

    起初,丹是所有没人负责的事情的经理.  Who are we kidding…he still is. 他很早就来了,确保在优胜客体育起床之前一切都井井有条. In a previous life he delivered newspapers, so I suppose this is just another day at the office for him, but can you think of anyone more valuable? Don’t tell him we said that.

    Favorite Baltimore Landmark: 星座号航空母舰

  • 柯克贝克



    He’s practically famouse. (That’s not a typo.你知道,他曾经被考虑在华特迪斯尼世界扮演米老鼠. (Bet you didn’t see that comin’.) His other claim to fame was his hole-in-one. 如果他听起来是个幸运的人,他会告诉你这全是技巧的问题. 和 we’ve seen his skill behind the wheel. That’s what landed him a spot on Team FreedomCar. His skills don’t end there. He also rebuilds steam engines. 但如果你真的想留下深刻印象,你应该看看这家伙挑螃蟹. Now those are some skills, hon.

    Favorite Baltimore Landmark: 麦克亨利堡




    伯尼非常喜欢开车,即使下班了,他也经常开车兜风,只是为了好玩. 他还喜欢在内港吃东西和购物,在那里他可以乘坐水上出租车. (What can we say, the man has a passion for transportation.) He loves to hit the restaurant scene in downtown Baltimore. When he’s not doing that, he’s hitting golf balls. Probably because he loves to drive that golf cart, too.

    Favorite Baltimore Landmark: 内港




    从高中起,查尔斯就是一名专业的音乐家和歌手,他在乐队里打鼓. His 音乐al taste spans R&B, classical, country, light rock and jazz. In addition to the titles of drummer 和FreedomCar driver, 他拥有他认为的世界三大头衔:丈夫, father and granddad. You’ll notice husband is listed #1, 也许是因为他妻子的鸡翅是他认为世界上最好吃的食物.  

    Favorite Baltimore Landmark: 德鲁伊山公园




    Gregory’s clients say he maneuvers intense traffic with ease. 优胜客体育认为这可能是因为他在业余时间做了很多拼图. 他还说,他喜欢猎杀野生火鸡,因为这是一种挑战, 但他们也比不上能让他得到一份美味的千层面(配上冰茶), 当然). 他已经结婚49年了,他的孩子和孙子是他的骄傲和快乐.

    Favorite Baltimore Landmark: Washington Monument




    即使是打高尔夫球、锻炼身体、与家人和朋友共度时光,哈尔也对退休感到厌倦. 现在,他不仅是FreedomCar的司机,还在一家公共辅助交通公司担任管理工作. Helping people who, 在许多情况下, 如果没有后勤支持,他就不能四处走动,这让他很满意. 他仍然有大量的时间陪伴他的孙辈们——他们为他的世界增添了更多的兴奋.

    Favorite Baltimore Landmark: 因为这让他想起了在巴尔的摩长大的经历.




    As a girl’s club lacrosse coach, 弗雷德习惯于召集一大群人他们应该准时到场,而且尽可能少出闹剧, which also fits perfectly with his job as a FreedomCar driver. When he’s not driving, 他喜欢在自己的房子里工作,用吉他演奏古典摇滚和乡村音乐.   

    Favorite Baltimore Landmark: Washington Monument

    Michael Goodman

    Michael Goodman


    迈克尔非常自豪能把FreedomCar的名字印在他的衬衫上, but he’s also worn a few other impressive uniforms. 他是巴尔的摩县的一名退休警官,他用了15年的时间教他的两个了不起的孩子玩长曲棍球和足球. Now we’re proud to have him repping our team.

    Favorite Baltimore Landmark: 卡姆登码




    After 32 years in the banking industry, 哈里决定从事FreedomCar司机的新职业,以保持他敏锐的客户服务技能. 当他的手没有超过客户的期望时, his feet are firmly in the sand at the beach.

    Favorite Baltimore Landmark: 麦克亨利堡

    Portrait of 特里格里纳沃特



    作为一名越战老兵(1968- 1969),有特里加入优胜客体育的团队是一种荣誉. 他是步兵,在靠近柬埔寨和老挝边境的中部高地服役. 现在优胜客体育只是更了解他,因为他总是在午餐时赢得优胜客体育每天的“历史上的这一天”游戏. 说真的,他知道发生了什么,什么时候发生的. 他还获得了优胜客体育一些最热情的客户评价.

    Favorite Baltimore Landmark: 麦克亨利堡

    Portrait of Ed Lewandowski

    Ed Lewandowski


    在巴尔的摩出生长大,埃德知道如何从这里到那里. 80年代,他曾在当地一个乐队当过两年的“乐队管理员”,几十年来他一直很酷. Known around the office as “The Big Lebowski,埃德和电影里的角色唯一的相似之处就是他的身材. He’s a pretty straight arrow.

    Favorite Baltimore Landmark: 联邦山公园




    An avid connoisseur of the Reuben sandwich, Bill loves to talk about food, 鸟, 音乐, or anything else that FreedomCar’s clients want to chat about. 你会发现他有一些“史诗”故事要讲——还有谁能报告他在马丁·路德·金上碰到了14个绿灯? 的几率! 史诗! Bill can’t sing a lick, though he does it anyway. 但只在他最喜欢的巴尔的摩地标,而且你必须在凌晨0点到那里才能听到它. We’re here to tell you, it’s…epic.

    Favorite Baltimore Landmark: 柱廊旅店大厅的凹形圆顶天花板



    格伦是个随和的人,他喜欢在开车的时候让FreedomCar的客户来主导谈话. Glenn loves the color blue, not only because it was the color of his first truck, but also because of his love for the Baltimore Colts. 他是希腊人,经常光顾巴尔的摩的希腊餐馆. Opa! 当他不整理院子或做家务时,他就去看孙子孙女.

    Favorite Baltimore Landmark: Memorial Stadium…it’s gone, but not forgotten.




    Technology is great, 但他喜欢老派的东西,和乘客们真诚地交谈. 他总是很乐意回答问题,并告诉你更多关于他自己的事情——无论是关于他的两个(快成年的)女儿,还是关于Mt. Washington area of Baltimore where he grew up. 事实上, 如果你早上在那个地方,你可能会看到他在湖边散步,所以一定要挥手打招呼.

    Favorite Baltimore Landmark: Institute of Notre Dame, 因为提供给学生的机会以及他们将巴尔的摩作为扩展校园的方式.




    从FreedomCar开始,尼古拉斯没有浪费任何时间就做出了有价值的影响. In his first six months, 他被评为2018年自由车队最有前途的新成员, 赢得了最伟大的转变奖和最佳单一服务. For the Greatest Single Service, 他充分利用了他叔叔的高超技能,用三天的面包车成功地将一家九口送到了斯克内克塔迪, NY. If you want to get him chatting, 告诉他为什么你认为乔丹比勒布朗好,他会马上纠正你.

    Favorite Baltimore Landmark: “最北、最东、最南和最西的点,一切人和事都在它们之间!”




    No, not THAT 詹姆斯·泰勒. But this 詹姆斯·泰勒 is famous in his own right. Awarded FreedomCar’s 2018 MVP (Most Valuable Player), 詹姆斯完成1,163 of some of the most challenging assignments. While that’s WAY impressive, 他将被载入史册,因为他在2018年1月拯救了FreedomCar的车库,使其免于被烧毁,当时商店的一个吸尘器着火了. How sweet it is to have THIS 詹姆斯·泰勒 on our team. 他是个能工巧匠. (把它? Because “How Sweet it is” and “Handy Man’ are JT songs. 其他JT. 啊,别介意.)

    Favorite Baltimore Landmark: FreedomCar总部, 因为他, 就像, 拯救它(排名第二:宾夕法尼亚车站前的乔纳森·巴洛夫斯基男女雕塑)

    Portrait of 韦恩·瓦特



    作为O的铁杆粉丝,韦恩是一个彻头彻尾的巴尔的摩人. He claims he once ran a sub-four-minute mile (unofficial). As he almost never draws attention to himself, and is in all ways rather super-human, we believe this claim. 在FreedomCar, 韦恩以连续4次绩效评估得分超过700分(最高775分)而闻名。. 如果他不告诉你他有多棒,优胜客体育很乐意把这个消息传开.

    Favorite Baltimore Landmark: Washington Monument in Mt. 弗农




    Chuck is Baltimore born and bred. He grew up in Roland Park, 去聚, 然后洛约拉, then spent a 30-year career in the newspaper business, 包括担任《优胜客体育》摄影副总监. 还是一个狂热的摄影记者(谷歌查尔斯·维斯摄影或把他的一个摄影类陶森大学或塞西尔学院)他还让他敏锐的眼睛在天空广播控制模型的一个狂热的飞行飞机对飞行的热爱始于25¢巴尔杉木光滑的条纹和15¢蚊子他小时候. 他还喜欢驾驶FreedcomCar Transit货车,因为这感觉就像他踏上了航空母舰的甲板. 这不是你日常的交通工具,你必须时刻警惕,他喜欢挑战. He just doesn’t like washing it at the end of his shift. 和 we don’t blame him, but we still make him do it.

    Favorite Baltimore Landmark: The Warehouse at 卡姆登码




    David enjoys all 音乐, as long as it’s not country 音乐, 所以当一个客户最近要求听一些“黄金老歌”时, he was happy to oblige. In addition to driving for FreedomCar clients, 他也喜欢开拖拉机和照顾鸡, 猫, dogs and ponies that are his family’s pets. 对他来说,最完美的一天就是和他美丽的妻子在一起, extraordinary parents, loving family and loyal friends, 还有巴尔的摩金莺队的胜利和一些巧克力冰淇淋.  

    Favorite Baltimore Landmark: Bromo Seltzer Tower